Monday, November 17, 2008

Mother Chukar

Who said the weather couldn't be too nice? My best friend Landon, our three dogs, and I went on a Saturday afternoon Chukar hunt. The weather was gorgeous, fifty degrees and the ground was moist. We had just one problem absolutely no wind. There were birds everywhere and they held really tight, so tight we had to step within yards to make them fly. We could hear them clucking, but the dogs couldn't pick them up because the air was shockingly calm. This hunt had one point. But two great retrieves.

Lady with a great retrieve.

The valley in the background is where we parked and then we climbed. Luckily I watched the new James Bond friday night. I figured if Bond can run for that long chasing a villain I could definitely climb a mountain chasing those Mother Chukar. They are lucky I only call them Mother Chukars and not something else after that hike.

Five hours of climbing, scrambling, and running we got two Chukars, one each. But hey the weather was gorgeous!


Shawn K. Wayment, DVM said...


that sounds like a great day! Andy and I love to hate fooookars!

Hunter Angler Gardener Cook said...

Man, that is a LOOOONG hike for two birds. I have heard wild chukar hunting is no joke...