Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chukar What?

These pictures are from a few weeks ago on the opener of the Utah Chukar hunt.  We hunted an area that used to be chuck full of chukar and huns, but the past few years it hasn't produced much.  But it is close to home and a good ride for the horses and a good run for the dog.

Happy pup hu?
We didn't ride the whole time.  Lady had a false point and we got really excited jumped off and hiked for awhile.


Shawn K. Wayment, DVM said...


I didn't realize you like horses!

What kind do you have? I'm a gaited horse guy!

Can't wait to hear about your Montana trip...I went last year and saw 1000's of birds a day!


Eric G said...


I like most horses, but hate appaloosas . We have two Arabs that can go all week long in the back country.

Montana rocks. We had to work really hard for everything we got today. I got a limit of pheasants and a sharpie but it was definitely work. We hunted from 9 AM till Dark about 6:30 PM.

If you want i would be very open to some advice on where to hunt up here? But only if your willing to share.

If you don't want to post it online shoot me an email.

I hope Idaho blesses you with lots of birds.
