It should be great. Last Saturday my best friend Landon invited me to go on a pheasant hunting trip to Montana with his dad, him, and an old neighbor of ours. Should be great. I have never been to Montana bird hunting, I've just read about it in magazines and blogs. Kind of a dream come true for me.
I bought a couple boxes of shells and got a new center bead put on my shotgun so I should be all ready. My GSP/ Brittany mutt Lady is really excited too. Landon's GSP is my dog Lady's mother. So This is kind of a family outing. If I can i'll try to keep everyone posted, with pictures and stories of the happenings during the expedition as they unfold (if the motels have wireless) . We should be hunting Thursday morning.
Your mom sounds just like my mom! And you know where they got that from? Grandma Barker! Welcome to blogger land! Can't wait to hear about your hunting adventures. We need to get together.
Your counsin,
I know that "LOOK"! I've been thinking about the definition of a "Grouse Hippy"'s a person that would give up fame, fortune, love, responsibility, respectibility, etc, etc, etc to chase birds with their bird dogs! I fit that definition to a tee...good or bad, I'm not sure!
Good to see your blog! We're definately cousins!
Come out here to CO and we''ll chase birds in Kansas!
I'll be watching your blog!!!
Eric...welcome to blog land! Shawn I was thinking Bird Bum or Bird Gypsy, however, Hun Hippy has a catchy sound to it...we could go on and on...
E...where will you guys be hunting in Montana?
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