Saturday, June 6, 2009

What I Love About Saturday

I stinking love Utah in the months of June, July, August, and September! As Brigham once said, "This is the place."

This is the lineup for the Saturday Red Neck Yacht Club.



Sheila~ Most in shape mom I know!

Me~ Still figuring out how to ride the bucking bronco!

Sam~ 49 and in better shape then the 3 22 year olds on the boat!

Me~ My smile saying "Thank you!" to Sam, Sheila, Skyler, and Spencer.


Terry Scoville said...

Great blog you've got Eric. I especially like your header photo, that is awesome.

All this water skiing takes me back to when that was how I spent mu summer days. Great sport. Enjoy!

Lauren said...

I love this last picture. It's so cute!