We all have one, we've all tried to use one, and we've all laughed while trying.
I'm talking about the self-timer function on my camera. Yesterday afternoon I was out in the hills with Lady when the thought came to me, "I need more pictures of us." So I found a nice rock with another nice rock behind it to balance my camera on.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words! Here is our story.
"Lady don't eat the camera"
"Lady get over here."
Getting closer
Finally, perfection!
I will be taking a few days off from blogging. Spring Break for USU started and I'm headed to Costa Rica. Costa Rica had the cheapest plane tickets to somewhere warmer than Logan, Utah. I'll take lots of photos and I'm sure i'll have plenty of funny stories to blog when I get back. Adios freezing temperatures!
Red Hat
17 hours ago
Have a great trip...I've heard it's awesome down there! Oh...got a kick out of the blog post!
Are you going to fly-fish when you're down there? There may be a bonefish, tarpon, snook, or barracuda to wrangle with. I envy u!
Nice boots!
That last picture made it all worth it. Pretty funny series though. I've had the experience where the dog tries to eat the camera too.
makes me want another dog
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